Working on getting the God of the North Wind decals in place. These are custom made and have been a challenge getting them to lay down. I have to do some touch up work on them with oils paints. Still early in the process.
Still making progress. Bottom wing given some oils washes for subtle weathering. First coat of black sprayed on the fuselage. More weathering and decals to come.
As the build starts to come together I wanted a little preview to fuel the fire so I temporarily snapped the lower wing in place.
Still have to do a slight bit of putty work on the top fuselage join but not much.
Taking a break from figures, I am making progress on my 1/32 scale Fokker DVII from Wingnut Wings. Here are a couple of views of the cockpit so far. Still have to add a few details and do some painting but it is coming along.
The stock figure is a 54mm Gordon Highlander from the Tommy's War range of WWI kits. The top picture shows the box art of an assembled kit. My conversion is below. The new arms and weapon were taken from other kits in the range and a simple turning of the head creates an even more defiant Highlander. Simple and effective.