Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Upper wing...

Upper wing attached. This wing fought me a little bit (unlike my first DVII build) but after walking away a couple of times I finally got it into place. Still have to finish the tail. Pilot is covered in saran wrap in preparation of spraying the plane with a clearcote before final weathering and rigging.  photo 20140917_183439_resized.jpg  photo 20140917_183402_resized.jpg

Sunday, September 14, 2014


I used Bob's Buckles and EZ Line for rigging the undercarriage. It was easier than I had anticipated even for my 54 year old eyes!  photo 20140914_115929_resized.jpg

The Guns....

Making progress... still have to do some detail painting on the guns.  photo 20140907_182224_resized.jpg


All of the online research I've done and the pictures that I've found show the quotation marks on the "U10" only appeared on the port side and the upper wing and not the U10 on the starboard side. After much hemming and hawing I removed the quotation marks from the starboard side decal...I hope I am not proven wrong!!!  photo 20140901_184506_resized.jpg

Monday, September 1, 2014


Being a high school teacher my time at the workbench is rapidly decreasing but I am plugging away. Started laying the "U10" decals. I weathered the fuselage with oils paints first...trying to keep it subtle. After the decals are fully dry, I will overspray them with a satin clear cote and weather a bit more. The plastic jig is from Vertigo. It arrived missing the piece that holds the tail...I've sent two emails and haven't had a response yet.  photo 20140901_130654_resized.jpg  photo 20140901_130909_resized.jpg