Tail is in place but still needs another wash or two with Indigo oil paint, followed by a spray of glosscote, to match the fuselage. I am using GasPatch turnbuckles for the first time and you can see one of the first four I have in place.
After some sanding, cutting, swearing, and scraping I managed to get the cowlings to fit. More of an issue than I thought it would be. Still have to add some oil washes and paint to get the details to pop.
Haven't had much time at the bench lately but I did manage to get one of the machine guns from GasPatch seated properly. These resin guns are full of detail and I highly recommend them. I had to carve away a bit of the bottom detail to get it to fit properly. Not much and very easy to do. Once in place you can't even notice it.
Aviattic lozenge applied to the lower wing. Fuselage base coated in blue. Next will come some washed with W&N Indigo to add depth and pop the details. Weathering to follow.