Saturday, September 26, 2015

Almost ready to rig...

Top wings temporarily fitted so I can get an idea of size.  photo 20150921_205047_resized_1.jpg  photo 20150921_210046_resized.jpg

Nearing completion...

 photo 20150913_183826_resized_1.jpg  photo 20150919_183803_resized.jpg Machine gun is from Gaspatch Models. Rib details and washes in place.  photo 20150921_203253_resized.jpg

Roland C.II

Been plugging away on this WNW kit for the past couple of months. Figures are from Wings Cockpit, sculpted by Steve Warrilow.  photo 20150625_202144_resized.jpg

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Monday, April 6, 2015

Aviattic Lozenge...

A couple of pics at the workbench showing off Aviattic's wonderful lozenge.  photo 20150406_102803_resized.jpg  photo 20150405_211232_resized.jpg


Tail is in place but still needs another wash or two with Indigo oil paint, followed by a spray of glosscote, to match the fuselage. I am using GasPatch turnbuckles for the first time and you can see one of the first four I have in place.  photo 20150405_212518_resized.jpg

Slow and Steady

More progress...slowly but surely...  photo 20150404_152615_resized.jpg

Saturday, March 21, 2015


After some sanding, cutting, swearing, and scraping I managed to get the cowlings to fit. More of an issue than I thought it would be. Still have to add some oil washes and paint to get the details to pop.  photo 20150321_145751_resized.jpg

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Machine Guns!

Haven't had much time at the bench lately but I did manage to get one of the machine guns from GasPatch seated properly. These resin guns are full of detail and I highly recommend them. I had to carve away a bit of the bottom detail to get it to fit properly. Not much and very easy to do. Once in place you can't even notice it.  photo 20150301_131542_resized.jpg

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Oil washes...

Adding some of the oil washes and getting details to "pop"  photo 20150102_153517_resized.jpg

Friday, January 2, 2015

Roland D.VIa

Aviattic lozenge applied to the lower wing. Fuselage base coated in blue. Next will come some washed with W&N Indigo to add depth and pop the details. Weathering to follow.  photo 20141231_173953_resized.jpg